HyperMemex Systems

Welcome, user: sudonym

[notes] 01-12-2021

I’ve always loved the web. To me it’s been a realm of endless possibility, connection, new paradigms. I’m fascinated by the ability it gives you to make things out of thin air, with nothing more than a keyboard and your wits.

Back in my day, our websites were hand-coded. From scratch! Uphill, both ways! And like any old geezer I feel you young whippersnappers are out of touch. Big tech, with pixel-perfect UI and all-the-ML algorithms to keep you hooked, leave you no room for exploration. No room for invention. No room for thought.

Building your own website is a lot like journaling, only with something more interesting to show for it at the end. It takes imagination, research, and forces you to learn, in order to scratch your own itch. Your reward is a sense of accomplishment far more lasting than any infinite-scoll dopamine hit.

The beauty of the web is in its limitlessness. Invent new interfaces. Write games in a browser. Create new protocols to make connection useful to you. It’s all out there in the public domain, waiting for you to understand it, reinterpret it, and make it your own.