HyperMemex Systems

Welcome, user: sudonym

[manual] 07-18-2019

Kali Linux in VirtualBox 5.2 on Ubuntu 18.04

Things I did to successfully run Kali Linux in VirtualBox 5.2 on Ubuntu 18.04, not in this order:

  1. Add Oracle repositories
  2. Install virtualbox-5.2, virtualbox-dkms, virtualbox-ext-pack.
  3. Reboot and follow the prompts to add MOK (thanks to virtualbox-dkms)
  4. Reboot again, enter BIOS, and enable VT under Virtualization
  5. Download and install Kali Linux VirtualBox Image 64bit
  6. Change the machine settings:
    • System > Memory > 2048 MB
    • System > Processor > set 1 CPU
    • System > Display > Disable 3D Acceleration