HyperMemex Systems

Welcome, user: sudonym

Hypermedia thought garden for incubating revelations.

2021 01 19 19:41:49

The nice part about owning your own website is that you can only ever get yourself in trouble for what you put on it.


2021 01 19 19:39:07

On statues and monuments to people

You can’t learn from history if you erase it.

  • Humans are imperfect and full of mistakes.
  • Monuments are for ideas, not people.
  • Who they are or were is separate from their ideologies and actions they strove to accomplish.
  • You wouldn’t lynch a human for …

2021-01-03 07:26:28

Twitter makes the world smaller. You have an open line to unimaginable numbers of people and can put your words nearly directly into their brains, if you please the algorithm.

It’s for reaching people, but not for being yourself.

Make your latest updates available somewhere that isn’t …


2020-12-30 07:32:20

I don’t follow anyone on Twitter for the same reasons I don’t run untrusted binaries on my machine.


2020 12 19 07:36:34

People don’t shape a community. Establishing a culture shapes the community. You build culture with norms (rules of conduct) online and IRL. The first thing a newcomer does when they join a community is look to see how everyone else is behaving.


2020-12-16 07:29:59

Nothing more clearly displays your discomfort with difference as insisting that everything be made equal.


2020 06 12 06:23:37

Only caseiculturalists would take something that’s been sitting around in the basement for months and smells like old socks and say “let’s eat this.”


2020 06 01 06:21:32

If you host a party where some of the people who show up start smashing things, you’re not responsible for the things that got smashed.

But if you do it six times in a row with the same results, yes, you are.