HyperMemex Systems

Welcome, user: sudonym

If centralizing on the cloud means it’s on someone else’s computer, then decentralizing means putting it on a bunch of other people’s computers.

I think part of the issue with these more independent platforms is that we want the convenience of centralization without the risk, but …


…rephotography is, it’s the art of reshooting old photos of places in the modern day as accurately as possible. This can prove to be rather tricky, especially when it comes to really old photos, as the places often change dramatically over the years, and finding the exact spot where a …


People want to be a legacy. It’s embedded in our biology. It makes us want to have kids, or to otherwise pass on what we’ve learned. It drives us to create, to shout into the void, and to put ourselves in the shot.

If I teach people, do I live on in them? If I teach someone to program, …


The nice part about owning your own website is that you can only ever get yourself in trouble for what you put on it.


On statues and monuments to people

You can’t learn from history if you erase it.

  • Humans are imperfect and full of mistakes.
  • Monuments are for ideas, not people.
  • Who they are or were is separate from their ideologies and actions they strove to accomplish.
  • You wouldn’t lynch a human for …

I am not just trying to teach him programming but also show that with a bit of organization and working little bit each day you can achieve pretty huge results. So we created a very simple version of a game. I have then created a document where we are maintaining a listing of functionality we want …



  • Raspberry Pi with free USB port
  • Raspberry Pi camera or USB Webcam

Set up

Get Motion:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install motion -y

Connect and detect camera:


All video devices should be displayed with:

ls /dev/video*

Do modprobe so the camera is automatically …


It might just be my IndieWeb filter bubble talking, but I think there is a renewed interest in personal websites. A lot of big social media giants are falling out of favor, and it becomes cool again to own a space on the web rather than being one of a billion usernames.

Our digital identities are …


Morimoto got a job with a publisher after finishing a graduate degree, but found it hard to fit in and left. His boss said sarcastically, “It doesn’t matter if you’re here or not.” When he was troubled that he couldn’t find anything to do on a long-term basis, he was …


You could buy a Raspberry Pi Zero today for less than 10€, connect it to the Internet, set up a chat server on it, give it a public address and the world would be able to connect to it and talk to one other.

Against an Increasingly User-Hostile Web


I’ve always loved the web. To me it’s been a realm of endless possibility, connection, new paradigms. I’m fascinated by the ability it gives you to make things out of thin air, with nothing more than a keyboard and your wits.

Back in my day, our websites were hand-coded. From …


Gardens and parks lie between farmland and wilderness. The garden is farmland that delights the senses, designed for delight rather than commodity. The park is wilderness, tamed for our enjoyment. Since most hypertext aims neither for the wilderness of unplanned content, nor for the straight rows …


Context collapse remains an important conceptual lens, but what’s becoming clear now is that a very different kind of collapse — content collapse — will be the more consequential legacy of social media. Content collapse, as I define it, is the tendency of social media to blur traditional …


Retro Redesign

On my homepage, I mention that this website is “a tribute to the creative web of the 90s”. This is not simply because this website has animated gifs and a guestbook. The way I built it is also inspired by how I built my earliest websites: everything is written in plain HTML. …


“Everyone does their own weird thing”

The movement might be gaining steam now, but its roots date back to 1998, when Mark Bernstein introduced the idea of the “hypertext garden,” arguing for spaces on the internet that let a person wade into the unknown. “Gardens … lie between farmland and …


Walking around Tokyo, I often get the feeling of being stuck in a 1980’s vision of the future and in many ways it’s this contradiction which characterises the design landscape in Japan. On one side we have enormous conglomerates churning out uninspiring mass-produced conformity while on the other …


What makes a garden is interesting. It’s personal. Things are organized and orderly, but with a touch of chaos around the edges.

Just like plants in the garden I’ve got posts that are in various stages of growth and nurturing. Some might wither and die, and others (like this one you …


Twitter makes the world smaller. You have an open line to unimaginable numbers of people and can put your words nearly directly into their brains, if you please the algorithm.

It’s for reaching people, but not for being yourself.

Make your latest updates available somewhere that isn’t …


I don’t follow anyone on Twitter for the same reasons I don’t run untrusted binaries on my machine.


Social media is empty calories.


People don’t shape a community. Establishing a culture shapes the community. You build culture with norms (rules of conduct) online and IRL. The first thing a newcomer does when they join a community is look to see how everyone else is behaving.


Nothing more clearly displays your discomfort with difference as insisting that everything be made equal.


The way in which a system is most effective is what the system is actually for.


Only caseiculturalists would take something that’s been sitting around in the basement for months and smells like old socks and say “let’s eat this.”


If you host a party where some of the people who show up start smashing things, you’re not responsible for the things that got smashed.

But if you do it six times in a row with the same results, yes, you are.


When life gives you shit, use it for fertilizer.


Hypermedia thought garden for incubating revelations.


Things I did to successfully run Kali Linux in VirtualBox 5.2 on Ubuntu 18.04, not in this order:

  1. Add Oracle repositories
  2. Install virtualbox-5.2, virtualbox-dkms, virtualbox-ext-pack.
  3. Reboot and follow the prompts to add MOK (thanks to virtualbox-dkms)
  4. Reboot again, enter BIOS, and enable VT under …

Eduardo Kac, ‘Reabracadabra’ (1985)

…videotex, an information system invented in the 1970s that relied on a television or terminal — you could communicate, read the news, publish content or look up telephone numbers.

“There’s a general misperception when we talk about online culture. …